Productivity Booster The Marketeer

Steriods for your Career

I just posted the latest and best marketing podcast, and I mentioned This service has run me anywhere from 29-79 dollars a year and the least it has ever generated for me in a year is $3,000. If every investment of mine paid off like that I’d already be on my beach house in Nantucket.

It simply takes most of the voodoo out of the compensation question – instead of pulling an number out of the sky I can go see what the average marketing guy with 15 years in business, graduated from the one and only UMASS, working at a software company of under 100 employees in the Boston area gets. And go from there.

Market opinion is very squishy, market data has to be challenged with other data.

2 replies on “Steriods for your Career”

So, I might have to ask you to explain a little more, because I’m not sure I want to shell out the money. If I go there, I can plug in all kinds of weird variables about who I am, what I know, etc, and they’ll spit out what I can expect to be paid?

This might be a neato thing! : )

Yeah, that’s the idea. The challenge is finding a job description that matches what you do. I’ve often run more than one to try and get a feel for how the descriptions differ.

You can go to this page and get some basic stats for free, and then pay if you want more detail:

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