Daily Life

Boston Media Makers and Return of the M Show

Finally, a relaxing weekend after the holidays are in the rear view mirror. I had a chance to attend the Boston Media Makers meeting this morning, and The M Show finally came out of hiatus to return for the first episode of 2008.

Now begins company kickoff celebration week…

P.S. While looking for a link on the Boston Media Makers I came across David Tamés’ fantastic write up of the meeting – check it out to see what is hot right now. His post reminded me that I need to pick up an RE50, and also talks about the Mac gaining momentum.

I think that between Vista, the admiration I’ve had for both the iPod and Apple TV, freedom from anti-virus software, higher quality hardware, and more dependable video editing the Mac grew much more attractive over the past couple of years, but the ability to run parallels so that I could run programs that only run on PC removed the last pain in switching – far more important than offering more pleasure on the other side.

I also finished my first video project on the Mac, I created some shorter clips for my page as a Marketing Technology Public Speaker.

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