
Free Stuff! Holiday Beancast Giveaway

If you haven’t noticed from previous posts, I have been a guest on The Beancast a number of times. If you are into podcasting it’s kind of like TwiT for marketing people. If you’re not into podcasting it’s like the morning zoo with marketing and advertising people. If you still don’t get it it’s like me and the host Bob along with people like Steve Hall and Scott Monty talking about the stuff we usually talk about – and it’s on iTunes.

For the year end special being recorded tonight I’m giving away a copy of The Seth Godin Boxed Set – 4 DVD’s of video with him Live in Denver, with Charlie Rose, and 3 DVDs of Q+A. These DVDs are $800 a set and the winner will still be bound by the terms of sale (you have the right to resell, but not to post or to show to groups of more than 30).

I got this for paying for VIP level access to his Tribes event (and I forgot to get my book signed, which was also part of my ticket). I’ve watched them and they are great, but I rarely watch anything more than once on DVD and I’m pretty sure that nobody else in my family will watch them (don’t worry Seth, it’s not you, they don’t like my SEO videos either)… so why not use them for a promotional stunt rather than have them gather dust for eternity in my DVD bookcase?

How to win?” you ask? I’ll give out the secret code during the cast, comment back here and the first one in wins.


Audio Recording Techniques

Shure does a great job of generating content that talks about what they make happen in the music business. The latest Shure Notes that I get email notification of has a great article on recording a cappella audio.

The two biggest brain busters for me – when someone is emulating an instrument, you use the mic setup you’d normally use for that instrument and second, Brian McKnight’s older brother is in Take 6. I saw Brian McKnight at Stephanie’s on Newbury a few years ago, he was playing a PSP and had these two huge bodyguards with him. I still regret not paying for his lunch…

Speaking of audio, I’ve got to get around to recording The M Show #200.


Bono Vox

Thirsty Thursday had an extra kick this week with Shel Holtz (For Immediate Release is the leading audio program for PR practitioners and has a large following. When Shel comes to town, there’s a crowd of people that want to meet him). Upstairs at Vox was semi-private so we had a great space to meet and I did get to spend some time over on the leather couch quality testing Martinis until the crowd showed up.

A few photos from Todd Van Hoosear hit the presses this morning, and most importantly Chip Griffin was there and made a surprise announcement that Custom Scoop was sponsoring the event. A perfect fit, Custom Scoop provides online media monitoring services.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, including Jenny, Sarah (don’t worry, Carin doesn’t refer to you as Poo Cane), Steve Garfield, Sooz, THE Ann Handley who grew up near Doug Haslam (and Ron Ploof, what was in the water there?). I have a bunch of business cards from new folks that I met so I’ll be adding some new subscriptions this weekend. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to convince the lovely Carin into a night out, thanks to all of you that asked for her. Thanks for a great time, I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.

Daily Life Podcasting

The Weather Cooperates

Just an update of what’s been going on with me – after being sick AND it raining last weekend I was able to make up for lost time. I took photographs at all of my nephews and nieces games (2 soccer one football  – you can check out the Sports Illustrated level lens that I rented this weekend looks like over on these Flickr shots (sorry, my contacts only).

And since the weather was good I winterized the air conditioner, mowed the lawn and made some space in the garage for some wood.

Quarter end went well, but was insanely busy as usual. Maybe I can start looking beyond politics, finance and chores to talk about some marketing stuff?

You can get a dose of some Marketing Audio on this week’s BeanCast, with yours truly on the panel:

Direct link to file

And The M Show showed up this week, 10 minutes of action here:

Direct link to file


Weekend of Sound

The M Show made an appearance this weekend:

Direct link to file

You can also get more marketing goodness from The Beancast:

Direct link to file

And for audio variety, I post things that I want to check out to my Gigadial channel, you can subscribe via iTunes to get the same stuff automatically – it’s like I’m hunting down interesting audio content for you.

Subscribe in iTunes


Blue Steel

The latest video edition of the digital photography podcast Tips from the Top Floor has everyone from the Portland, Maine photo workshop that I was at over Labor Day Weekend. Check out the video, and if you want to see the pictures, here’s the flickr tag.

Working on our modeling skills was interesting, here’s me doing the “White guy lamely attempts street cred by standing behind graffiti”.


Editing Podcasts Makes them Suck Less

Shel Holtz, of FIR fame, was writing about editing podcasts and I started to comment but after it got to three paragraphs I thought it would be better to just bring it over here. I’m not buying the “no edits, no second takes” argument. You can rationalize it as “more energy, more real feeling” but the reality is that editing is a lot of work, and leaving that part of the workflow out makes it much easier to create podcasts (and perhaps stay motivated in the long run).

I’m honored to be on Shel’s “must listen” list, and by adding us to the “live to the hard drive” group, he proves his own argument. I’m glad we get the “live” sound across, but the Marketing Over Coffee marketing podcast goes through an editing process very similar to FIR. Every episode gets a full audio review, often sections are cut out or cleaned up. The recording session is free form so occasionally it goes into topics too tech heavy, too gray to talk about in public, or because it’s early morning either of us can break into the classic New England coughing/hacking fit.

You’ll note that Mitch and C.C. both podcast solo, which makes one-take easier, and both of them do a great job of speaking extemporaneously, which not everyone can do (radio or public speaking experience makes a huge difference here).

One other thing, many people record with headphones and don’t think about all the people who listen in the car, which is a much less forgiving playback environment. The Levelator, or more advanced tools like compressors and limiters are an absolute must (I’ve also found the cheap edition of SoundSoap to do a nice job cleaning things up). It’s tough to listen when you have to turn the guest up to 28 on the dial and then the host renders you deaf. I’ve given up many casts that were fantastic content but were just to hard to listen or understand while driving. I could call out some of my friends here, but why pick on them when I have the same complaint with some great content, big name shows like the New York Times’ Times Talks podcasts.

I’ve never really bought the “it has to be unedited” argument. If you feel it’s more sincere if it’s untouched that’s fine, but don’t expect other people to sit through a bunch of boring stuff, especially when they now have options that Doug Haslam mentioned like NPR, or the BBC (I am going to be on Steve Wright’s show one day) which are professionally recorded and edited to flow seamlessly.

Would you even send all your email without using the delete or backspace key? Would you write a brochure without having anyone edit it? Would you get dressed in the morning without looking in the mirror? Are you going for the thrill of “Live without a Net” or do you want your content perfect? There’s no “right” answer, it’s just about creating great stuff. If Saturday Night Live was done by some random people on your street you’d never stay up to watch that, but on the other hand if it’s taking you 10 hours of recording and post-production to do a 20 minute podcast maybe you could be more productive by lightening up a bit.

I can give you one right answer though: if you cut out the crummy parts, it will suck less.

ps – this post had no editing of any kind.


Big Time Audio

Marketing Over Coffee is out with a review of Google chrome.

Direct Link to File

This weekend I recorded a special M Show with C.C. Chapman, who hasn’t been on in about 100 shows.

Direct Link to File

Photo on Flickr by alzimmermanoh.


Audio Explosion

So I have still been running around like crazy. The sales kickoff was last week and I’m also trying to get everything together for an event in Toronto, and vacation before that up in Northern Michigan.

I’d love to say that I haven’t been able to write in the blog because I’ve been so busy working on the Marketing Over Coffee book…. but that would be a lie. Everything else is eating up the time, including the last of the stuff I had to do to get over my lost cellphone, and a recall on my car that said the wheel may fall off.

That said, I did finally get a new Nano to replace the one that went through the wash, and that fits perfectly with the latest pile of audio that I have in progress and out:

There’s talk this week on the Beancast about Newsroom Neutrality, Tivo and 50 Cent defending his brand.

There’s a new M Show, although I have not yet unveiled my plans to close the show down on episode 200.

Marketing Over Coffee will be out Thursday with a 40 minute interview with David Meerman Scott.

Podcamp Boston 3 was a blast and I still have a ton of photos to upload to Flickr…


Roasting Scott Monty

Monty Roasters

Last Friday a group of Boston Professionals met to send Scott Monty off to Michigan for his new job with Ford. In the spirit of a classic roast, most of the jokes were at his expense or at Crayon’s (apologies in advance to the Crayonistas).

Please keep in mind this is explicit content, and not safe for work. Just to drive it home it opens with an F-bomb and a joke with no taste at all.

Here’s the audio program:

Intro: Scott Monty’s rotten Joke

01:18 John Wall lays downs the rules

02:04 The Roast begins

06:30 Len Edgerly steps up

12:08 Doug Haslam

17:15 Adam Zand

19:11 Todd Van Hoosear

24:36 Chris Brogan

27:50 Laura Fitton

34:10 The Guest of Honor – Scott Monty

Among the offended:

Susan Getgood (also in attendance), Christopher Penn, Crayon, Coca-Cola, Second Life – Linden Labs, ooVoo, Chip Griffin, Sarah Wurrey, Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson, Bryan Person, Maggie Fox, C.C. Chapman, Joseph Jaffe, Chris Abraham, Greg Verdino

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