Categories SEO and Paid Search

IT’S ALIVE! and Google too.

After literally months of struggling we finally managed to get the / Google integration going. I’m definitely geeking out, but how cool is it to look at a closed deal and say “one year ago you searched for this specific term, we paid $2.75 for that click and it turned into a 6-figure deal”. Lots of cool stuff, now all we need is for some data to pile up.

In other Google news I was invited to take part in a beta for cost per click (CPC) ads in the content network. Up until now you could only pay cost per click for Google search results, not their affiliate sites. There’s also supposed to be some way to choose which sites in the content network you want to be featured on. I couldn’t find these features, but it’s not the first time I’ve been unable to find stuff in Adwords (and I’m not alone).

And finally, I’ll be rolling some site upgrades out in the next 24 hours…

Brain Buster SEO and Paid Search The Marketeer

SEO is Dead

Last week I had heard some rumblings about Google continuing to use individual search history to influence results. There are differing opinions on this but I am all for it. If, after months of searching, Google realizes that I can’t speak spanish, then it would be great if I never had to see any results in spanish.

But this begs the question: What will SEO vendors do when there are no consistent results? At first I thought they would become some sort of modified copywriters, a few best practices, but mainly focused on writing quality content. Now I’m thinking it may even go beyond that – who’s willing to tie conversion results to the work they do?

Productivity Booster The Marketeer

Jordan’s Furniture and Seth Godin

Seth Godin had a great post last week about performing a show as part of business. It reminded me of the profound advice up on the wall at my local Jordan’s Furniture – “There’s no business that’s not show business”

Podcasting Productivity Booster

iTunes Sorting and The M Show

Normally this would be my normal Sunday plug for the latest M Show (go listen to it, or better yet – subscribe!), but while tagging the file I found something cool in the newest version of iTunes.

You can now create separate tags such as Artist and Album for sorting in iTunes. You need to be a bit of a compulsive freak or have a huge music library to have seen the need for this (I’ll leave the judgement on me to your discretion). Let’s say you have your favorite artist’s new album and you rip it to iTunes. Then you’re searching by artist and you pull up the album and, Lo and behold, 3 tracks are missing. This often happens if the missing tracks are duets or have a famous backup singer, while you are searching under “Lawrence Welk” the track is actually buried under “The Lemon Sisters and Lawrence Welk”.

I used to just dump the second artist (in many cases I had no idea who the hell they were anyway), but now for those tracks with two famous artists you can choose which one you want to file the track under. Or, for the compulsive, have it in the library twice, once under each artist and still have it show as “The Lemon Sisters and Lawrence Welk”.

Happy Sorting!

Geek Stuff Graphic Design

Fantastic Four – and Craptastic Print Ads

I used to spend a lot of time at used bookstores when I was a kid in the 70’s. My mom loved to read, and passed that on to the rest of the family. It’s so funny that these places are, for the most part, a lost relic. There’s a unique smell in a used bookstore as the slowly decaying paper takes on its own odor. There were 3 different ones in Pittsfield that I remember, all three of them a big mess inside, but all filled with treasure. This was before the rise of the comic shop, so these were the only places to get comic books, and more importantly – back issues, because it was easy to miss issues that for some reason never made it to the convenience store.

I used to buy comics for a nickel that had no covers on them, it wasn’t until I was older that I learned that these are illegal copies, paperbacks and comics that were returned from the stores and were supposed to be destroyed. Through some gray market action they made it to the used bookstore.

One day I found a giant size Fantastic Four annual and was blown away by this story with Galactus, Gabriel and his Herald, The Silver Surfer. For years I wanted to get the issues but they are classics and one of them is over $150. The irony is that when they hit that price you don’t ever take them out of the airtight bag they are in. Marvel does have a reprint but it’s in black and white and that just never seems as much fun (the exception being material that was written and drawn with the intent of being in black and white.

In the last place I would expect to run into the power cosmic, I found a DVD at BJ’s (the local warehouse club) – 44 Years of the Fantastic Four. All of the issues, in the original format. It’s been fun to cruise through them and read the old stories, but much like when I finally found DVDs of The Six Million Dollar Man, the stories aren’t quite as tight and thrilling as the 12 year old John remembered, but Stan Lee tells and incredible story, and the artwork is classic. Even more fun has been laughing my ass off at all the original ads – here’s a couple classics:

Old Ads ’nuff said!

Daily Life

Fun Saturday

In a rare turn of events there is nothing planned this weekend. I’m playing around with a bunch of side projects and catching up with Galactica. Carin and I saw Little Miss Sunshine last night and she was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe. I hope your weekend is as relaxing as mine will be.

Daily Life Geek Stuff

Zen and Gadget Jones

I’ve been itching to upgrade my phone, I have a Treo 600 and there’s so much more cool stuff if I were to go to the 700. The problem is that I have been thinking all week about something I read from the Dalai Lama (who has a rockin’ website by the way, but no RSS or podcasts that I could find) – pleasure is not happiness. Yes, I would enjoy the upgrade, but I already have a bunch of features that I never use. I would get the consumer’s rush but that would probably fade within a week.

Unless I also installed the 24 ringtone…

Brain Buster Podcasting Productivity Booster

Gettin’ Funky with Smart Playlists

Greg had kicked this over to me when I did a video on using smart playlists in iTunes. I was hoping to wait until my blog template was updated so I could show it in Revver, but that won’t be for another couple of weeks and I’m tired of waiting.

If you are going to sync podcasts across multiple machines or need to do some other funky stuff, check out: using Juice, Podnova and SmartPlaylists.

Brain Buster Productivity Buster The Marketeer


I thought this was cool:


Geek Stuff


So today was a boatload of fun. Winter has decided to make a last stand with single digit weather and 30 mph winds to drop the wind chill below zero.

I’ve been trying for quite some time to get the and Google AdWords integration working. Keep in mind that I gave up on coding before I got out of school, I can handle HTML and javascript but my PERL is good only for comedic relief. After banging my head for a few days I found out that Dreamweaver, the program I use to edit my scripts, actually corrupts the files while changing them. It has something to do with the FTP software putting them on the server…. blah, blah, blah.

The good news is that I’ve found the source of one of the problems so perhaps I can show some progress tomorrow…