Hi, I’m John. I’m kind of tired of writing my bio in the 3rd person, BUT people often need copy for events or other marketing things and it makes it easy for them to cut and paste. So start thinking “Morgan Freeman Voice” and here we go:
John J. Wall speaks, writes and practices at the intersection of marketing, sales, and technology.
He is the producer of Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program that discusses marketing and technology with his co-host Christopher S. Penn, and has been featured on iTunes. Notable guests include Ryan Holiday, Debbie Millman, Ty Pennington, Simon Sinek and Seth Godin.
His work has been cited by CBS Evening News, The Associated Press, Inc. Magazine, Forbes, The Boston Globe, DM News, and Featured Apple Podcasts.
John is a partner at Trust Insights. He has held positions specializing in Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Automation and sales support systems at both venture funded and privately held businesses, working with clients such as Amazon, Salesforce.com, Microsoft, and Oracle. Read more on LinkedIn.
John has lived in every corner of the United States and now resides outside of Boston. Check out my twitter stream to hear what I’m rambling on about and here’s some more personal stuff.
Here’s a one sheet that Interview Connections created for me as a pitch for podcast interviews.